Blog Archives
Chiropractic Practice Blog Archives
Bill has been blogging since 2005. Over the years he has written some classic posts. We've collected the most important ones here.
There is nothing you can say or do that can change the value a patient places on his or her health.
The Allure of Offering Pain Relief
Solely as a treatment for pain, chiropractic may be promising, but limited. That was never the intent of chiropractic.
How to Get Patients to Say Yes
Extracting a “yes” from patients isn’t nearly as important as being able to look yourself in the mirror and not feel dark inside.
Turns out, the seminar being offered was based on the old cliché that “…if patients knew what you knew, they would do what you do.” Problem is, it’s untrue.
It’s permitting patients to believe that you’ll be relieving their symptoms with chiropractic care!
Having a cash practice isn’t merely about changing your financial policy and no longer taking assignment.
The Practice of Treating Nothing
Have you embraced these simple truths about chiropractic?
The Day Adjustments Stopped Working
Preposterous? It all depends upon how you define the word “working.” It’s an essential distinction.
Should Chiropractic Remain Drug-Free
Chiropractic does not need to evolve. Chiropractic does not need to become something else.
If you worship at the altar of scientism, you don’t have to perform the taxing obligation of critical thinking.
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Most statistics tend to be a rear view mirror reflection of the past. Qualitative statistics help predict the future.
Warren Buffett famously observed after the economic dip that followed 9/11, “You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”
“I just want it like it used to be. When I was busy, helping people and paying my bills,” yearned Les.
Who Wants a Subluxation-Free World?
Some might perceive this as intellectual hair splitting and an extravagant luxury for pipe-smoking philosophers. Hardly.
What makes the wasted energy exerted by the staff to track down wayward patients so tragic is that you created it.
Since good nutrition is a ‘right’ for every resident in the most affluent nation in the world, the government passed the Nutrition Reform Bill.
If you’ve had your head down helping patients, you may not be aware of a dangerous trend taking place in the United Kingdom.
It was B. J. Palmer who observed that there were things good for ‘tor (the chiropractor) that may not be good for ‘tic (chiropractic).
Chiropractic vs. Chiropractic Medicine
Granted, practicing chiropractic medicine is probably better than practicing medicine. But if you’re a chiropractor, it might be a wiser strategy to practice chiropractic.
Why Your Consultation is More Important Than Your Report
This makes your paperwork, consultation and first visit procedures vitally important since it can permanently color a patient’s perception of you, your practice and chiropractic.
Countless chiropractors emerge from chiropractic college with the notion that all it takes to heal the hurting humanity in their town is a highly-trafficked practice location, a back lit sign and a spanking new diploma framed on the wall.
The News From Lake Woes Be Gone
We talked a bit longer and he revealed a thoughtless luxury that he has been indulging in each day that alarmed me.
A treatment constitutes ministrations designed to alleviate a set of symptoms.
When you monopolize the conversation you not only isolate yourself, but ironically, feel misunderstood.
Where Did All the Chiropractors Go?
There may be too many DCs. But there are far too few chiropractors.
The key merely unlocks what the automobile manufacturer engineered into the car. The key isn’t the hero, nor is the person holding the key.
You’re sitting on a gold mine. Not to mention all those brochures you have taking up cupboard and closet space.
Even now, from time to time I find myself getting a bit too comfortable. And that’s when I remember that the only way to coast is to go downhill.
How to Domesticate a Chiropractor
It’s hard to find many purebred chiropractors anymore. Many have passed on or retired. Just how do you remove the rogue features in the genetic code of a chiropractor?
Most patients see their chiropractic care as a diet. A temporary, short-term diet. “Fix me so I can get back to doing what I used to do.”
An Effective Referral Dialogue
Word-of-mouth advertising is the most difficult to create and control. Perhaps that's why it's so potent.
One of the fastest ways to get your new practice up and running is to buy someone else’s.