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Chiropractic Articles

Free Chiropractic Articles for Chiropractors

These chiropractic articles capture the insights and observations of chiropractic patient and advocate Bill Esteb. Chiropractors will find these articles, essays and blog posts capture his "patient's point of view" and include practical action steps for applying these principles to grow your practice. Many of these articles became chapters in his chiropractic books and chiropractic blog posts.

Chiropractic Report of Findings Articles

Your report of findings is one of your most important patient communications. How did the report of findings degenerate into a sales session? In this collection of chiropractic articles, learn how to avoid the most common report mistakes that chiropractors make when reporting their findings.

The Chiropractic Report of Findings

6 Common Chiropractic Report of Findings Mistakes

Chiropractic Report of Findings Forms

10 Ways Chiropractic Patient Report Folders Grow Practices

Chiropractic Patient Education Articles

Effective chiropractic patient education is what separates average chiropractors from extraordinary chiropractors. But what passes for patient education, is actually patient teaching. These chiropractic articles clarify this critical distinction and will give your patient communications greater impact.

Seven Ways Patient Education Grows Your Practice

The Purpose of Chiropractic Patient Education

The Limitations of Chiropractic Patient Education

Why Patient Education Doesn't Work

Student and New Chiropractor Articles

If you're a DC2B or a newly-minted chiropractor, these articles and essays offer specific action steps to avoid "stinkin thinkin" and launch your chiropractic career with success and certainty. Many have appeared as book chapters and published on the Chiropractic Economics site for new chiropractors.

10 Student Tips for Surviving Chiropractic College

10 Ways to Build a Successful Chiropractic Practice

Chiropractic Blog | 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Monday Morning Motivation | Lie #13 - Build It

Dear Bill | Naming My Practice

Financial Policy Articles

Chiropractors are experiencing the effects of reduced insurance reimbursement. This means your financial policy must change. Even if you're not ready for a cash practice, read these articles and pick up some pointers to help you with an entirely new patient responsibility: financial patient education.

Dear Bill | Announcing Cash Practice

Monday Morning Motivation | Lie #5 - Affordability

Dear Bill | Improving Collections

Going Commando

Dear Bill | Entry Fees

Chiropractic Marketing Articles

Chiropractors become chiropractors so they can help people by practicing chiropractic. Only to find they ended up in a small business, facing the same challenge as virtually all other small business: getting new customers. These articles include chiropractic practice marketing ideas you won't find anywhere else.

Why You Need a Marketing Mindset

Dear Bill | Starting My Own Practice

Chiropractic Staff Training: You Need a Digital Advocate

12 Strategies For Those Who Want to Thrive

Chiropractor Motivation Articles

Burnout is a significant occupational hazard of being a chiropractor. Read these chiropractic articles and learn ways to diagnose the "overdraft of your emotional checking account" and get back in the game. Find your North Star, reclaim your purpose and stop trying to live someone else's notion of success!

12 Ways to Revive an Eroding Practice

Dear Bill | Staff Motivation

Escaping Burnout

Chiropractic Blog | 5 Ways to Uncover Your Practice Vision