Recommended Partners
Our Recommended Partners
Here are some of the fellow travelers in the chiropractic profession whom we admire and often recommend. If you're in need of their services, we hope you will contact them.Perfect Patients – When it's time to upgrade your online reputation, check out Perfect Patients. These days it takes more than a website to dominate your new patient drawing area. Discover the Five Factors of Digital Marketing Success.
KMC University – Kathy Mills Chang and her team of compliance and reimbursement specialists can get you compliant and paid. Trust the accepted leader in financial practice management with many ways for you to benefit from their experience.
Chiropractic Leadership Alliance – Make sure you have bulletproof certainty by measuring the changes you're making to the patient's nervous system. If the nervous system is the centerpiece of your practice use their five-tech package.
Generations – Dr. Claudia Anrig has created her own unique brand of coaching for family practices. Her high ethical standards and creative spirit help conscientious chiropractors and their teams reach ever-higher levels of achievement.
Neuro Emotional Technique – As you see more and more chronic subluxation patterns you begin to realize the importance of addressing the emotional component. Dr. Scott Walker and team have operationalized the protocol.
ChiroSecure – We've known Dr. Stuart Hoffman for over three decades. He brings a steady hand and a knowing heart to chiropractic malpractice insurance. If you're looking to make a change, be sure to ask for a quote.
Oklahaven – Dr. Bobby Doscher and the gang have been helping physically and emotionally challenged children with chiropractic care for almost 60 years. This is a valuable nonprofit the sings the chiropractic song and is worthy of your support.
New Beginnings – Dr. Jim Dubel has been holding chiropractic philosophy weekends for the entire family for over two decades on the Jersey shore. This earthy congregation has always been a bright spot for principled chiropractors.
ChiroHealthUSA – Dr. Ray Foxworth, MCS-P has found a perfectly legal way to have a multi-tiered fee system to help make your care affordable for just about anyone. As the chaos from third party increases, add this simple addition to your practice.
Crystal Clear Solutions – Melissa Sandford has been instrumental in bringing high quality training and top shelf speaking talent to the United Kingdom. Her CA training courses and UCA conferences are well attended and frequently sold out.
SideCar – Dr. Nathan Unruh and crew provide online training, solutions for billing, IT management and one-on-one-training. These are highly trusted experts who are committed to help you build a successful, thriving chiropractic business.