Monday Morning Motivation | The First Phone Call
Posted by Bill Esteb on Jun 12th 2021
Moment of truth 2 of 13: calling your practice.
Some prospective new patients prefer to request an appointment by text or an online form. But most will make a phone call. Especially among older demographics more likely to consult chiropractors.
"It's a great day at ABC Chiropractic, this is Barbara, I can help you."
This script is taught at a popular coaching program. And while I've never heard the justification for this wordy approach, here's my take from a patient's point of view.
"It's a great day..." Is this a weather report or an indication of the chiropractor's mood today? It's superfluous.
"ABC Chiropractic..." Excellent. It's confirmation that I reached the practice that I intended to reach.
"This is Barbara..." Excellent. Speak slowly, enunciate clearly and smile as you do—which we can hear over the phone.
"I can help you." Again, superfluous and implied by simply answering the phone.
Bill Esteb has been a chiropractic patient and advocate since 1981. He is the creative director of Patient Media and the co-founder of Perfect Patients. He’s been a regular speaker at chiropractic gatherings since 1985. His 12 books explore the doctor/patient relationship from a patient's point of view. His chiropractic blog, in-office consultations, patient focus groups and consulting calls have helped hundreds of chiropractors around the world. Since 1999 Monday Morning Motivation has been emailed to over 10,000 subscribers each week.