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Monday Morning Motivation | Being Busier

Posted by Bill Esteb on Feb 3rd 2024

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A term I frequently hear during private consultations is the word “busy” or its sibling, busier. As in “I want to be busier.”

It’s not a particularly good objective.

Because we can be busy doing the wrong things. We can be busy doing unprofitable things. We can be busy to avoid the hard things. We can be busy, so we don't have to be alone with our thoughts.

Make no mistake, there are many busy chiropractors. So busy they may have a new patient waiting list. Which is ironic since their goal was never to be busy—but merely to serve patients!

If the motive behind being busier is to increase your income, remember your income, like being busy, is an effect, a symptom, not a cause.

When being busier is for our benefit rather than those we hope to serve, look for signs of self-centeredness or entitlement or both.

Bill Esteb Headshot Photo

Bill Esteb has been a chiropractic patient and advocate since 1981. He is the creative director of Patient Media and the co-founder of Perfect Patients. He’s been a regular speaker at chiropractic gatherings since 1985. His 12 books explore the doctor/patient relationship from a patient's point of view. His chiropractic blog, coaching program, patient focus groups and consulting calls have helped hundreds of chiropractors around the world. Since 1999 Monday Morning Motivation has been emailed to over 10,000 subscribers each week.