Monday Morning Motivation | Do You Care Too Much?
Posted by Bill Esteb on Jan 1st 2017
One of the occupational hazards of being a professional caregiver is caring too much. Those so afflicted inappropriately take patient choices personally. Other common symptoms include:
Mistrusting patients. Fearful that without careful (full of care) micromanaging, patients will make "wrong" choices and sabotage their recovery and your reputation.
Looking good. By caring so much about what patients think, needing acceptance and their approval, considerable energy is expended constantly monitoring each patient's loyalty and commitment.
Being the parent. The practice is kept artificially small, affording the luxury of helicoptering over each patient. Keeping tabs on everyone's soda intake, exercise routine and personal habits are major energy sucks.
Fear of abandonment. Patients represent a constant flight risk. Those who don’t show are often given more attention than those who do.
Needing patients more than they need you reveals poor boundaries and an unhelpful and crippling insecurity. Care, but don't care too much.