Implementing the Examination Form
Implementing the Examination Form
Prepare for patient use by imprinting your practice information in the bottom right corner with a high quality rubber stamp or running your forms through your office printer after receiving your order from Patient Media.
Before your report
This form will serve as an outline when giving your actual patient report. We recommend that you fill it out before your report, adding the patient's name, report date and using a red ballpoint or "roller ball" pen to make the appropriate entries. Use the posterior illustration to indicate any scoliosis, uneven hips or shoulders and circle areas of concern. Some practices scan or photocopy the form so they have a copy for the patient's file, which can be helpful at the patient's progress report.
During your report
The Examination Report Form guides your report. As appropriate, refer to other forms that would be helpful in communicating the key ideas relevant to the patient's case.
First review their presenting health problem.
"First a quick review. You came to our practice suffering from frequent headaches, shoulder pain and occasional numbness in your right hand. As I explained, we have had excellent results with these sorts of problems. To locate the specific cause of your presenting health complaints, we conducted a thorough examination."
Review the check marks in the "What we tested" section, explaining why or why not the exam was conducted and any positive findings. Review both columns and then refer to any related Inserts, such as the Posture, Nervous System or Spinal Decay Inserts, returning to the Examination Insert to complete your report.
"We found the Vertebral Subluxation Complex at ______ ."
Review your findings you've entered in the space provided and circle the segmental areas on the posterior illustration.
Review your recommendations for care for the first 12 visits in the space provided, explaining visit frequency, what will be done for the patient on each visit, how each visit builds on the ones before and the importance of following recommendations to insure optimum results. Use this opportunity to plant the seed of continued, post-symptomatic care by referring to the Recovery Insert...
"We find that most adults who begin chiropractic care at this stage in their lives can enjoy great results, but because they've had these underlying problems for some time, they are susceptible to a relapse if they don't continue their chiropractic care on some sort of supportive basis. Like regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, maintaining proper spinal hygiene is an on-going affair. But, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."
Review any home care recommendations, such as ice, heat, exercise, stretches, dietary changes, pillow, etc., and explain how unlike medicine, chiropractic care is a "partnership" and that they're the one's controlling the speed of their recovery.
Review the date of the progress examination in the space provided 6, 10 or 12 visits out. Project the actual calendar date of that visit and make an entry in the appointment book to remind the staff to prepare patients for a longer visit on the progress exam visit.
Field any questions the patient may have. Place the form in the VIP Patient Report Folder or the CLA Patient Scan Folder along with any other documents you'll be sending home. If their spouse did not attend the report, urge them to review the materials with them.
Purchase the Examination Form in packages of 50.