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Monday Morning Motivation | Treat/Care

Posted by Bill Esteb on Jun 22nd 2024

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To say what you mean, and mean what you say, be mindful of these distinctions:

Treat – As in “to alleviate one’s symptoms.” This is the very definition of a medical intervention. Which may be what insurance carriers (and patients) want, however it’s an off-label use of chiropractic.

Delivering a “treatment” in your “treatment room” may be what the patient thinks you’re doing, but you’re veering into the practice of medicine, for which you’re not licensed or insured. Ironically, it was the assertion that chiropractic was not a treatment that led to chiropractic licensure and the end of being arrested for “practicing medicine without a license.”

Care – As in “giving attention to health, well-being, and safety.”

While a medical treatment is hoped to address the problem in the person, chiropractic care is designed to address the person with the problem.

Medicine may suppress an annoying symptom but ignore the underlying cause.

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Bill Esteb Headshot Photo

Bill Esteb has been a chiropractic patient and advocate since 1981. He is the creative director of Patient Media and the co-founder of Perfect Patients. He’s been a regular speaker at chiropractic gatherings since 1985. His 12 books explore the doctor/patient relationship from a patient's point of view. His chiropractic blog, coaching program, patient focus groups and consulting calls have helped hundreds of chiropractors around the world. Since 1999 Monday Morning Motivation has been emailed to over 10,000 subscribers each week.